2025_11_PROJECT MANAGER FOR DM1-Hub project

Temporal, Tiempo completo · BADALONA
30 000 - 33 000 € al año
DM1-Hub aims to be the basis for the implementation of precision medicine aspects in Spain for the benefit of patients with Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 (DM1), prioritizing better diagnosis and optimization in the use of soon-to-be-available treatments. The DM1-Hub project brings together a group of 80 professionals in the areas of research and clinical monitoring of DM1. Together they form a multidisciplinary work team with extensive experience in this pathology at the research level, which includes predoctoral, postdoctoral and senior researchers, including renowned research groups in the field of rare neuromuscular diseases and DM1 in particular. Specifically, the team is made up of specialists in genomics, epigenetics, bioinformatics, biostatistics, proteomics, applied research and scientific dissemination. In turn, the team makes up an important network of around 70 health professionals (neurologists, neuropediatricians, neuropsychologists and nurses), in more than 40 hospitals in 8 different Autonomous Communities, who follow up with DM1 patients in their consultations. We are looking for a compromised enthusiastic and experience project manager for DM1-Hub project. The project DM1- Hub is funded through a grant PMPER24/00007 from ISCIII for Research Projects on Rare Diseases, from the 2024 Call for Joint Missions of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, under the PERTE for Vanguard Health and within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The project manager would be coordinating different aspect of the DM1-Hub project:
  • CEIC presentation and approval of the participating institutions
  • Tools and support needed for the new personal hired for helping in the data
  • Recruitment and patients’ samples (Participation in interviews for new members recruitment)
  • Coordinating the DM1-Hub team (+100 participants) to achieve project objectives
  • Monitoring of the correct data recruitment in the different institutions
  • Organization of events for the presentations of the project
  • Working in the social media together with the responsible of communication for DM1-Hub project
  • Tasks of formation for the participants of DM1-Hub
  • Interaction with patients’ associations and organization of workshops for them
  • Assistance to national and international meetings for expanding the objectives and results of DM1-Hub among the scientific community.
  • Writing scientific reports of the project.
  • PhD in biomedical sciences.
  • Experience in project management.
  • Languages spoken and written: English, Spanish and Catalan.
  • Skills in coordinating projects.
  • Skills in communication, social networks and organization of events.
  • Skills for writing scientific reports, scientific papers and public presentations.
  • Experience in coordinating projects in the area of rare diseases or
    neuromuscular diseases will be valued.
  • People management experience or certificate will be considered a plus
  • Full -time contract, idefinite contract linket to PMPER24/00007 from ISCIII for Research Projects on Rare Diseases, from the 2024 Call for Joint Missions of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, under the PERTE for Vanguard Health and within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (Indefinido por actividades científico-técnicas, Ley de la ciencia 14/2011) 
  • Date of incorporation: March 2025.
  • Gross annual remuneration inherent to the square objected to this call, will be fixed based on the experience provided and the skills of the candidate, distributed in 12 payments.
  • Flexible payment (childminding vouchers).
  • 23 days holiday and 5 days for personal matters.
  • Training capsules by the company.
  • Be part of an excellent multidisciplinary research centre with the HRS4R badge.
  • Location on the Can Ruti Campus, a first-class translational research environment in the Barcelona area, in a very stimulating scientific environment.
Interested persons must attach to the application:
  • Motivation letter explaining their interest in the position.
  • Updated CV.
  • Contact of 2-3 references.
Applications will be evaluated in accordance with the guiding principles and objectives of the supply systems, following the process described below:
  1. Curricular evaluation: analysis of the curriculum vitae to assess aspects related to training, professional career and experience in positions related to the job position under selection.
  2. Personal interview: once the résumé has been evaluated, the selected candidates will be called for a personal interview to verify and expand on the information detailed in the résumé and to evaluate aspects related to experience and professional skills.
Applications that do not meet the requirements, that are not included in the cases foreseen or that are not processed in accordance with the established procedure will not be considered in the selection process.
The call for applications will close on 3th of February
About us

The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) is a public research centre located in Badalona. Its main objective is to increase scientific knowledge in order to transform it into solutions to improve the health and medical care of patients and the community.

The Institute is associated with one of the major university hospitals in the Barcelona area, the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, and is part of the Can Ruti biomedical campus. IGTP is a CERCA centre and is also accredited as a centre of excellence by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and is in charge of coordinating the management and scientific strategy of the campus, working in close collaboration with the other centres.

The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute carries out research within 9 areas

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases
  • Community Health
  • Diseases of the Liver and Digestive Tract
  • Endocrine and Diseases of the Metabolism, Bones and Kidneys
  • Immunology and Inflammation
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Neuroscience
  • Science of Behaviour and Substance Abuse
Scientists working in these areas publish an average of over 900 papers a year, contribute to improved treatment and healthcare protocols, produce patents and set up spin-off companies in order to improve the lives of patients.  

The following video is a bird's eye view of Campus Can Ruti a top-tier translational research environment in the Barcelona area, in a very stimulating scientific environment. The IGTP offers a supportive, friendly and collaborative ecosystem to promote professional development and help you achieve your research goals.    

The IGTP, in its commitment to equal opportunities, guarantees equal treatment between candidates and persons with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 per 100, as accredited by the Spanish Autonomous Regions or the State Administration, or who have been declared to have a total permanent disability in a different profession through a resolution of the National Institute of Social Security, while retaining functional capacity for the completion of the tasks of the post will be positively considered.

Queremos conocerte.
Gracias por tu interés en formar parte de IGTP.  Por favor, rellena el siguiente formulario los datos solicitados. Si tienes problemas al subir tus documentos, puedes contactarnos a través del correo electrónico seleccio@igtp.cat  
En el apartado Nombre, por favor, introduce tu nombre completo según DNI/NIE, en mayúscula y sin acentos.
Cargando el documento. Espere.
Añade toda la información obligatoria (marcada con un asterisco) para enviar tu candidatura.